Battlf Jun 20 This comment is currently awaiting admin approval, join now to view. Does anyone else have that issue? Download from our servers file name: Emperor-Battle-for-Dune. The game will now run at 60 FPS in Windows 8 and We have never asked for a login or payment to download from our website, and Steam crosscode never will. Thank you in advance! Want to see this appeal go away forever?Įmperor battle for dune windows 7. They don't include auto-playing audio either, they really won't spoil your enjoyment of the site.
We're really sorry for the inconvenience, but please would you disable your ad-blocker? Our adverts are relevant and non-intrusive, they appear only at the top and the sides, never in the content. I have attempted to set the affinity, to make sure its only running on one processor, as I have a quad-core system, but it tells me that 'This operation could not be completed. I have tried setting the compatibilty mode to Windows XP, in service packs 1, 2, and 3, and it hasn't worked yet. Forgot your password? I get the error 'GAME.